Un’altra richiesta di sorveglianza speciale a Genova (aprile 2021) [it, en]

Un’altra richiesta di sorveglianza speciale a Genova

Il 20 aprile 2021 è stata notificata una nuova richiesta di sorveglianza speciale ad una compagna genovese, a distanza di soli tre mesi dall’applicazione di quella richiesta precedentemente per un’altra compagna. L’impianto accusatorio è ben chiaro: il pubblico ministero Federico Manotti, seguendo le linee guida della Direzione Nazionale Antimafia e Antiterrorismo, orchestra anche a Genova la “solita” indagine sulla falsariga di altre sul territorio nazionale, cercando di sfruttare la suggestione di un presunto reato associativo già più volte rigettato dallo stesso tribunale per la sua palese inconsistenza.

Di fronte all’evidenza di non avere nulla in mano per incriminare gli anarchici, lo stalker non molla e cerca strategie trasversali per colpirli; la misura cautelare della sorveglianza speciale risulta funzionale a questa linea repressiva come risulta evidente dal sempre maggiore ricorso al suo utilizzo in questo ultimo periodo in tutta la penisola.

In questo senso è evidente come questa misura di prevenzione si inserisca nel compromesso tra apparato esecutivo e potere giudiziario: non esigendo le modalità e le tempistiche di un vero processo, trova molto spesso una più facile applicazione.

Lo Stato tenta di reprimere e isolare chi solidarizza con pratiche ed azioni che cercano di spezzare il sistema mortifero che attanaglia l’esistente senza lasciare spazio a prese di distanza e delazioni.

Con l’auspicio che tutte queste cartacce si tramutino nella cenere di qualunque forma di autorità.

Solidarietà alla compagna genovese sotto richiesta di sorveglianza speciale e a tutti quelli che si vedono privati della propria libertà.

L’udienza si terrà mercoledi 16 giugno alle 10:30 presso il Tribunale di Genova.

Anarchiche e Anarchici

Another request for special surveillance in Genoa (Italy, April 2021)

On April 20, 2021, a new request for special surveillance was notified to an anarchist comrade in Genoa, only three months after the application of the previous one for another comrade. The accusatory structure is very clear: the prosecutor, Federico Manotti, following the guidelines of the National Anti-mafia and Anti-terrorism Direction (DNAA), orchestrates also in Genoa the “usual” investigation along the lines of others on the national territory, trying to exploit the suggestion of an alleged associative crime (subversive association for terrorist or subversive purposes) already rejected several times by the same Court for its obvious inconsistency.

In the face of the evidence of having nothing to incriminate the anarchists, the stalker does not give up and seeks transversal strategies to strike them; the precautionary measure of special surveillance is functional to this repressive line, as is evident from the ever increasing recourse to its use, in this last period, all over the peninsula.

In this sense, it is evident how this measure of prevention is part of the compromise between the executive apparatus and the judicial power: not requiring the modalities and the timing of a real trial, it very often finds an easier application.

The state tries to repress and isolate those who sympathise with practices and actions that, without leaving room for distancing and denunciation, seek to break the deadly system that grips us.

With the hope that all these papers will turn into the ashes of any form of authority.

Solidarity to the comrade of Genoa who is already under special surveillance and to all those who are deprived of their freedom.

The hearing for this new request for special surveillance will be held on Wednesday, June 16, at 10.30 a.m. at the Court of Genoa.


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Note: The “special surveillance of public security” is a repressive measure provided by the Italian penal code, which can last from one to five years, imposed on people considered to be a danger to public safety and institutions. Over the last few decades, many requests for surveillance have been issued against anarchists, some of which have been accepted by the courts. Special surveillance implies that a person, once the measure is confirmed, is obliged to look for a job (if he does not have one), to fix his abode, to make it known to the authority and not to leave it without prior notice to the same authority. Thus, the person is required to “live honestly”, to respect the law, not to give reason for suspicion and not to leave the municipality of residence (or part of it) without prior notice to the local authority. The application of this measure often entails the revocation of the passport and driving licence for the entire duration of the measure and the impossibility of obtaining any type of licence or exercising any economic activity, being authorised only to work as an employee in companies where the owners are not convicted criminals or where there are no other convicted criminals, or to work as a self-employed person without being registered with a professional association. Furthermore, the court often prescribes not to habitually associate with people who have been convicted or are subject to restrictive measures, not to return home later than a certain time in the evening and not to leave earlier than a certain time in the morning without proven necessity and, in any case, without having first informed the local authority, as well as not to participate in public meetings of any kind. All these particular prescriptions can be modified or aggravated by the court and some of them may not be imposed in certain cases. The person under special surveillance is given a “booklet” in which all restrictions are noted. The booklet must always be produced at the request of the authorities and the relevant checks must be noted in it.